Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

Family history and DNA focus group - invitation to participate.

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date
17 August, 2018

For GSV members only -  25 and 27 July.

We need YOU to help us understand how genetics is understood.






  • Have you had your DNA tested for family history?
  • Are you interested in having your DNA tested for family history investigation?
  • Are you worried about issues to do with privacy, ethics and bio data?
  • Has testing your DNA changed your family history story?

Free of charge. Maximum of 12 participants. Bookings are essential and can be made online,, by email,, by phone +61 3 9662 4455 or in person at the GSV (9.00 am to 4.00 pm Mon - Fri).

Research Leader: Dr Jerome de Groot, Manchester University. The "Double-Helix" project is investigating what people think about genetic science and how it affects them. In particular, the project is interested in talking with family historians about their experiences of commercial DNA services offered by MyHeritageDNA or

Two separate focus groups will be run at the GSV Research and Education Centre on 25th and 27th July. These are discussion groups for people to share their experiences. The sessions will be structured debate and discussion, encouraging participants to share their experiences.

The discussions will be recorded for research purposes. Any use of the discussion will be agreed with participants. No biodata or information relating to genetic data will be sought.
