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 The blog of the GSV 

GSV News

GSV News

GSV Events – January 2024 Update

Expiry Date

The new year has arrived and we have a number of Zoom events to start the year. All events are open to all GSV Members. Login to the member’s Section, follow the links to the ‘All Events’ tab, select an event and register to obtain the Zoom invitation.

GSV Library

GSV Library Open
Saturday 13 January – 10.00 to 16.00

For a smooth and secure visit, please remember that advance booking is essential. Ensure you reserve your spot no later than noon on the preceding Friday. You can make your reservation by reaching out to us via phone at +61 3 9662 4455 (Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm) or through email at


Keyword Cloud

Family History Tips & Tools & The Good Oil
24 January – 10.30 to 12.00

Sources and Citations
We are combining both meetings this month to examine the common topic of sources of information that we discover when researching our families. We will explore the various types of sources and how best to evaluate and cite them for record-keeping or publication purposes. There will be time to discuss examples and your queries.



London & South-east Counties Discussion Circle
25 January – 10.30 to 12.00

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
At the January and February meetings we will discuss the resources available to assist with family history research in the counties of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. We will also hear from members who are researching ancestors who lived in these counties.



Victoria & Tasmania Discussion Circle
26 January – 10.30 to 12.00

On the beach – a great Australian tradition
Share a photo (or two) of your ancestors on the beach and talk a little about them.
Who are they? Can we guess where they are?


GSV Logo

New & Existing Member Orientation:
Discovering the GSV and Our Resources

29 January – 10.30 to 12.00

The GSV is a leading Australian family history society and exists to assist Members in tracing their ancestors and to promote the study of genealogy.
This session will examine who we are, how we help each other with our research, what resources we hold and how best to access those resources from home and at the Research & Education Centre.


2024 Image by starline on Freepik

Write yourself into history

Expiry Date

As a member of the Genealogical Society of Victoria, you’ve almost certainly discovered the wealth of the State Library of Victoria’s collections as well as those of the National Library of Australia. Perhaps you’ve whiled away many hours making discoveries on Trove. Did you know that a large proportion of these collections were built through legal deposit?

Legal deposit is a law which has been in place in Australia in various forms since the 19th century.  It means that one copy of everything published electronically or in print is to be given to the National Library and the relevant state or territory library in which it was published. Legal deposit ensures that our published heritage is preserved for future generations, providing a diverse and inclusive picture of the nation, capturing what we are thinking, imagining, and writing about over time.

We’re reaching out to members of the Genealogical Society of Victoria to make sure that those of you who publish are aware of the opportunity to contribute to our national heritage through legal deposit.

Published means an item that is available to the public for sale or for free, for example if it is available to read through your society library. If your work was published in Australia, whether in print or electronically, you need to deposit a copy with the National Library and your state or territory library. Works that are self-published or published commercially are included. You don’t need to have an ISBN. If you, as an Australian, self-publish using an international service, your publication is still considered to have been published in Australia.

If you live in Victoria, and your publication fits the above description, you should deposit a copy with the National Library and the State Library of Victoria.  Deposits are accepted in print and electronic formats. Where both formats are available, we prefer electronic and we only require one copy.  Electronic deposit is easy, free, safe and fast through the National edeposit service (NED).  By depositing through NED publications will be available to both the National Library and the State Library of Victoria.

Find out more on the National Library of Australia Legal Deposit web page.

Please Help Make this a Special Christmas for the Genealogical Society of Victoria

Expiry Date

As Christmas approaches, the thoughts of many of us turn to giving – to our families and friends, to causes which are important to us and to worthy organisations with which we are involved.

We hope that the GSV fits into the second and third categories. Indeed, as a member you have demonstrated your interest.

The GSV provides valuable family research related services and helps preserve and protect family and social history for our members – and the wider community.

Behind the scenes, work continues to enhance our existing services and to develop new ways and means to expand them. We are striving to ensure we will be here, ready and able to help you long into the future.

A donation of any amount would be gratefully received. We would be enormously grateful, and it will make a difference.

Donations to GSV are tax-deductible. They can be made online through the Donate Now link on the GSV website homepage, or by calling the GSV (on +61 3 9662 4455) with your credit card details, or by a cheque in the mail (to Level 1, 10 Queen Street, Melbourne Victoria, 3000).

Please seriously consider a donation to the GSV this Christmas.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Safe 2024.

The Next Seven Days at the GSV

Expiry Date

Seven events in seven days! There is a lot happening at the GSV in the next few weeks. Here are the next week’s offerings:

Saturday 18th

International Settlers Discussion Circle 1-3pm (Zoom)

Special guest author and journalist Alek Schulha will speak about his book ‘Beneath the Shadows of Mount Molly Morgan: History and Stories of Greta Camp 1939-1960’. Alek’s book shares the stories of 130 people who passed through this army training camp turned migrant camp. Join in to hear how Alek has acknowledged and documented for future generations the contribution of these ‘New Australians’ to the cultural fabric of our country.

Tuesday 21st

How to Research and Use Australian Marriage, Divorce and Bigamy Records 10:30-11:30 am (Zoom)

Rod Armstrong wowed the crowd earlier this year with his Australia Death Records presentation. It was an hour thick with recommended sources, overlooked resources and hints on how to use them. He’s back tackling the sources of marriage related records. Don’t miss this one.

British India Discussion Circle 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm (Zoom)

Part of this session will focus on discussing the BIDC’s program for 2024. Join in to have your say. Also hear from Mary-Ann about the Families in British India website and from Clare who will explain why you should read about the last Prince of Bengal.

Wednesday 22nd

Family History Tips and Tools 10:30 am – 12 pm (Zoom)

The last session of FHTT for 2023 will focus on The National Archives (of the England, Wales and the United Kingdom, that is). Rebecca Landy will provide an overview of the archive’s holdings, help you navigate its website and encourage participants to share their hints to help you too make discoveries via this important source of historical records.

Thursday 23rd

London and South-East Counties Discussion Circle 10:30 am – 12 pm (Zoom)
The River Lea has provided a boundary between territories since at least the Iron Age, but for Jenny Redman’s ancestors, and possibly yours too, it was the vehicle for transporting their trade goods to London. Join Jenny at 10:30 to hear their story, and learn about transportation and trade along this key English river.   

Irish Day in the Library   (In person, but fully booked)

Because this event is fully booked, this is simply a notification that the Library will be very busy on Thursday. Members and visitors are welcome to visit the Library, but should note it will be a hive of activity and not a place of quiet investigation on this occasion.

Friday 24th

Vic Tas Discussion Circle 10:30 am – 12 pm (Zoom)

After a jam packed year, the Vic Tas Discussion Circle are also meeting for the last time for 2023. Join in on their celebratory quiz and, in particular, their agenda setting for 2024.

All events can be booked via the events page on the GSV website once members have logged in. If you are not a member but would like to join to attend some of these events, you can sign up here or call the GSV on +61 3 9662 4455 to join.

Researching Your Irish Family History Seminars

Expiry Date

Researching Your Irish Family History Seminars

Bookings open on Tuesday 21 November

for GSV and FHC Members ONLY

Visit the GSV Event pages to register


The Genealogical Society of Victoria (GSV) and Family History Connections (FHC) are proud to present two full-day seminars delivered by Fintan Mullan and Gillian Hunt, two internationally renowned experts in Irish research from the Ulster Historical Foundation.

The seminars will be conducted on Sunday 18 February 2024 at the Docklands Library and Monday 19 February 2024 at the Blackburn RSL. Both seminar days are for in-person attendance only.

The programs are different each day but complement each other. The topics to be presented will include:

Sunday 18 February 2024 - 9.00 am

Monday 19 February 2024 - 9.30 am

Irish resources at the GSV & FHC

Irish archives & their websites

Understanding Irish townlands

Records for churches in Ireland

Sources for famine research

Using landed estate records

Importance of gravestone inscriptions

Census substitutes and other sources

Newspapers for Irish research

Using wills & testamentary records

Plantation & 17th century records

Using the Registry of Deeds

Examples of successful searches

Q&A and solving brick walls

Q&A and solving brick walls


Bookings are essential. GSV Members should book through the GSV Events system

Pricing for GSV and FHC Members:

$90 for a single day or $150 to attend both days.

Tea, coffee and water will be provided. Bring your own lunch


Library at the Dock, 107 Victoria Harbour Promenade, Docklands

Blackburn RSL, 2 Diggers Way, Blackburn

It is possible to catch public transport to both venues. Please consult the Public Transport Victoria website.

Book to ensure your place at this exciting seminar program. More information about the Ulster Historical Foundation may be found on their website:

Scottish Ancestry Group special gathering – 30+ years

Expiry Date

What has been your journey in family history since 1990?  Some have been researching long before then, others have started much more recently.

In 1990 some GSV members began the Scottish Ancestry Group and we are now celebrating its 30th birthday.

We know we are a bit late, but it was originally scheduled for 20 March 2020 – and we all know when Covid reared its head, so the celebration did not occur.

Now, we have another opportunity. On Saturday 25 November 2023 we will have a party, 2-4pm. Some of us will be at The Kathleen Syme Library, 251 Faraday St Carlton – actually meeting in person. Others will be online through the hybrid format.

Our speaker is Linley Hooper FGSV who will share something of her learnings along that part of her research relating to Scotland. Then we will all have opportunity to contribute, to listen and to learn in a conversation.

A couple of special activities will help us to celebrate.

The Scottish Ancestry Group is in process of transitioning from a service group of the GSV to a Discussion Circle. We are open to all members of the GSV – any of you can use the normal methods through the Members Only section of the GSV website to add your name to the mailing list. Everyone on the mailing list will receive a free digital copy of our magazine Thistle 4 times a year.

We hope you can join in.

You are invited to our celebration on Saturday 25 November by registering for the hybrid event through or by registering to attend in person by email to or by phoning the editor of Thistle, Eric on 0400 638 936.

Researching and Using Australian Marriage, Divorce and Bigamy Records

Expiry Date

Having trouble find information about the marriage or divorce of your ancestor in Australia? Have you consulted all possible sources of information?

Come along to our Zoom talk ‘How to Research and Use Australian Marriage, Divorce and Bigamy Records’ on Tuesday 21 November commencing at 10.30 am and learn about possible sources you can access. The talk will examine some of the ways that you can find out about the sources relating to marriage, divorce and bigamy to help research your Australian ancestors.

During the talk we will discuss:

  • GSV databases
  • sources of Australian State BDMs
  • State Archives and Record Offices
  • Commercial databases
  • FamilySearch

There will be time for discussion and questions. Those who are not GSV Members may join this event for a fee of $20 which will be credited against your joining fee if you become a Member of the GSV prior to the end of November.

To join in the event Members should register through the GSV Event system and Non-Members should contact the GSV Office on +61 3 9662 4455 during business hours.

Rod Armstrong and David Down

Irish Day in The Library – GSV Library 23 November 2023

Expiry Date


The Irish Ancestry Discussion Circle together with GSV library staff and research assistants are planning an Irish Day in the GSV library on Thursday 23 November 2023. It is proposed that those who wish to seek support with their research, or who value a catch up with other like-minded investigators can come together and seek direction or guidance in their Irish genealogy.

The library space is limited, so members and non-members need to book to attend. It is a free event for members or $15 for non-members. Members can indicate their attendance by signing into the members section on the GSV website, then clicking Events Booking Page or via this link. Participants can select which timeslot they would like to attend: Morning (10am-12pm), Midday (12pm-2pm) or Afternoon (2pm-4pm). Non-members can call the GSV office to register. Bookings are based on a first come, first allocated basis.

All the usual digital resources will be available in the library, as well as access to GSV printed and film materials. Kindly bring along your supporting information to assist the library research assistants so they can offer their best support. An email containing further information on how best to prepare for the day will be sent to those who register.

Small green four leaf clover

A café is located on the ground floor of 10 Queen Street and it is hoped that on the day a group coffee/refreshment session can take place with participants exchanging information and camaraderie.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 23 November!

IADC Committee and GSV Library staff and assistants

GSV Members: Free event, and register here. (Log into the website before booking.)
Non-members: Cost $15, and register by calling +61 3 9662 4455  

GSV/UTAS 2024 Scholarship Applications close 31-Oct-2023. Complete online application ASAP

Expiry Date

REMINDER: Applications for the GSV/UTAS 2024 Family History Diploma Scholarship close on 31 October 2023. GSV members interested in applying should lodge or complete the online application ASAP

You may have read on the inside front cover of the latest edition of Ancestor that the University of Tasmania is again offering a scholarship for a GSV Member to study their Diploma of Family History. The article outlines the details of the scholarship that commences in February 2024 and the application requirements.

Alan Rhodes, the inaugural recipient of the GSV/UTAS Diploma Scholarship, has commented that he believes ‘the course is well suited to GSV members who are familiar with the essentials of doing family history research and have made a good start on researching at least some branches of their family history.  The Diploma will stimulate your interest further, provide lots of ideas and resources, and develop your skills to continue your research and writing about family history.’

He writes that whilst the workload is not onerous, ‘it is important to keep up with the readings and activities in the weekly units so that you have a chance to make good use of the resources and to explore the topics fully. The units and resources are broad-ranging, interesting and useful and you also have access to the UTAS library resources and databases of journals and books that you can explore for in-depth research.  The lecturers and tutors are highly knowledgeable, friendly and very responsive to any questions.  You also have access to discussion groups with other students.’

Applications are now open for the 2024 Diploma Scholarship and can be made online through the University’s Scholarship Office:…

This is an excellent opportunity to develop your family history research skills and to expand your knowledge in finding and interpreting information about families in the past and sharing family stories with others.

Do you have Welsh ancestors?

Expiry Date

Do you wish there was an easy place to go for help with your Welsh research, the language, the place names?

At GSV we have many interest groups and discussion circles but nothing covering Wales (so far).

We are looking for expressions of interest at this stage. Would you attend if we started such a group?

If we have enough interest then we can look at the frequency of meetings, who can help with the group, and who might have special knowledge they can share.

Please email if you are interested.