Family History Matters 
 The blog of the GSV 

GSV News

GSV News

A treasure trove of military genealogy

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

Military Genealogy at the Royal United Services Institute of Victoria

On Thursday August 2 at 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm at the GSV, Major General (Ret’d) Michael  O’Brien will give an insight into the extensive collection of military genealogy that is held at the library at Victoria Barracks- a real treasure trove of information to be explored.

The RUSI library at Victoria Barracks


Mike is a committed community activist and a believer in a fair go. He is an experienced manager and company director, has run an iconic Melbourne antiquarian bookstore for 17 years and is an advocate for small business as the main engine that drives our economy. He had an extensive military career but balanced it with directorships of a listed company and a non-bank financial institution. He has tertiary qualifications in Science and Management. He has lectured around the world on cruise ships for 10 years gaining an enviable number of days at sea, an excellent remedy for a former Infantryman. He writes local history and believes our built heritage should be highly valued.

This is a great opportunity to find out about this lesser-known archive of material, that could hold just the link you need for your own research.

Bookings are essential - you can book HERE

Cost $5 GSV members, $20 non-members, $15 CAV, RHSV, FHC members.

How did Melbourne grow? - seminar 1 Feb

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

For many of us, our ancestors arrived ,one way or another, in Melbourne. This was a big city by 1890. 

How had it grown by then to be the second largest city in the British Empire?


I found a newspaper reference in 1889 to 'Ordinary' passengers - a married woman (my great grandmother) and family of six - boarding the train at Albury at 2.10 pm on New Year's Eve bringing her family from country NSW to 'Marvellous Melbourne', to make a new start. I followed them in the records as they moved around rented accommodation in Cremorne, Richmond and Little Brighton. They had arrived in the less 'marvellous' aftermath of the rampant property speculation and in time for the crash of the banks and the opening of soup kitchens. We know so much more about our ancestors when we understand the times and places in which they lived.


This coming seminar could help you put your family in context.


An overview of the growth of

some early Melbourne suburbs



The Royal Historical Society of Victoria and the Genealogical Society of Victoria are delighted to co-present this full-day seminar, which will give participants a deep understanding of the forces and influences that have shaped Melbourne’s early growth.


This full-day seminar will be held at the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, 239 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne, on Saturday 1 February - 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.

The speakers will be:
- Footscray - Carmel Taig
- Prahran - Steven Haby & Judith Buckrich
- Heidelberg - Graham Thorley
- Brunswick and Coburg - Cheryl Griffin.


With an introduction by Gary Presland on how Melbourne's geography shaped its development.


This seminar is designed for those who are researching their family or community history and want to understand the why, who, when, what and how of Melbourne’s growth. Were the influencing factors economic, geographic, climatic, demographic, religious, commercial, opportunistic, geological, corrupt, or dictated by government? What drew our ancestors to settle where they did?

It will also be of interest to those who merely want to deepen their understanding of Melbourne’s development without having a history project to hand.


This event is open to members and non-members. Cost $60, GSV and RHSV members $45. Light lunch and refreshments provided.


Bookings are required and can be made online, by email, in person or by telephone +61 3 9662 4455 Mon-Fri 9.00am-4.00pm). Joint members please book in separately if both attending. RHSV members should book directly through the RHSV.



There will be a waiting list if the event is fully booked.


This is a good chance to kick-start your research in 2020!

Writing about our entwined lives? Hear acclaimed author Richard Broome Nov 15

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date


An exciting event has been added to the GSV’s calendar. On 15 November Dr Richard Broome, the President of the Royal Historical Society, will talk about his recent book Entwined Lives, (David Donnan with Richard Broome) a family history story.


This presentation will discuss the post research challenge: how do we write to be read? What strategies do we adopt, what voice do we assume, what book do we imagine we might write?


Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Richard talk about translating family history research into a book that will be treasured by your descendants. Be quick to book!


Check the GSV website for details. Bookings are required and will need to be made in person at GSV, L6 / 85 Queen St Melbourne or by telephone (+61 3 9662 4455 (Mon-Fri 9.00am-4.00pm). Joint members please book in separately if both attending. Maximum 35 attendees.


Nov 15 - 12.30 - 1.30 pm

At: GSV - L6 / 85 Queen St Melbourne



Our presenter


Richard Broome, Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, Emeritus Professor in History at La Trobe University, is President of the RHSV, Chair of its Publications Committee, and Patron of the History Teacher’s Association of Victoria. He has authored fourteen books; two of them prize winners. He was the lead editor of the RHSV’s successful Remembering Melbourne 1850-1960(2016, 2017) and is leading another book project by the RHSV to be launched in November 2019 called Melbourne’s Twenty Decades. Richard’s last book published in Australia and India, Naga Odyssey: Visier’s Long Way Home (2017) was co-written with Visier Meyasetsu Sanyü. He has also just published Mallee Country: Land, People, History (2019) with co-authors Charles Fahey, Andrea Gaynor and Katie Holmes, and his fifth edition of Aboriginal Australians: A History Since 1788, is due in November 2019.


Be Quick: How to Use Google Earth for Genealogy

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

At the GSV Writers Circle we often talk about the need to provide more description of the places our family members lived and worked. Many of us feel the need to travel to far-flung parts of the globe to tread 'in their shoes' through their villages and fields. 


The online world has helped bring a lot of this to our 'armchairs' and certainly Google Earth provides a lot of interesting opportunities for our research.


This month's VIDEO 'How to use Google Earth for Genealogy' will give you lots of tips for your research.


It will be shown this coming THURSDAY 29 AUGUST from 12 noon to  - 1.00 pm at the GSV Centre. You can book - if you are quick - on our website under Events or phone +61 3 9662 4455. Only $5 for members ($20 non-members).


It is produced by Lisa Louise Cooke. She writes that she found her passion for family history at her grandmother’s knee at the age of 8 and is now the owner of Genealogy Gems, a genealogy and family history multi-media company founded in 2007. Lisa produces videos and podcasts featuring genealogy news, research strategies, expert interviews and inspiration for genealogists in 75 countries around the world, and she recently celebrated 2.5 million downloads!

Our September video is 'Ten Tech Tools you can't live Without.'



eBooks in family history

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

The GSV jumps into National Family History Month - with a talk about ebooks on Thursday 1 August. Be quick to book - or 'ebook' - this event!


eBooks in Family History

Presented by Glen Wall

Thursday 1 August 12.00pm - 1.00pm. 


The talk will show how you can identify interesting family history and experiences, and prepare them for sharing in eBook form with family, friends and other interested parties.

The presentation will include examples of working with people to help them capture living history stories and prepare them for eBook publication.

At the end of the talk attendees with have a better awareness of how to use the internet and technology to package the results of their own genealogy work in a form that can be handed on for others to benefit.



Free for National Family History Month.


Our presenter, Glen Wall is a Vice President of U3A Network Vic Inc and President of Whittlesea U3A. He has been working with people to help them capture living history stories and prepare them for publication as an eBook.Over the last three years he has been delivering a U3A class on ePUBLISHING for authors wishing to self-publish novels, short stories and family history experiences for access on online platforms such as Amazon.

Bookings are required and can be made online HERE., by email, in person or by telephone +61 3 9662 4455 (Mon-Fri 9.00am-4.00pm). Joint members please book in separately if both attending.


And there's more!

Go TO THE GSV WEBSITE to find other events that are on at the GSV during NFHM - some are free to all for that month. But as you can see from the calendar, every month is family history month at GSV for members.




8 weeks to go - to enter for the 2019 GSV Writing Prize!

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

8 weeks to go! Enough time to finish off that family history story for the 2019 GSV Writing Priize.

The closing date for entries is 4 pm on 30 AUGUST 2019. So you still have time to START writing!

Last year Helen Pearce won with her entry exposing the story of a murder in Adam Elphinstone's family history. GSV Members can read past winning entries in back copies of Ancestor in the members area of our website.




But you don't need murder to make for an interesting story. It is a writing prize. So use this year's GSV Writing Prize as a prompt for you to capture the story you have been researching, but never quite written up.



This year we have extended the eligibility criteria, enabling more people to enter, and made some changes to the judging panel. Full entry details and conditions can be read on the GSV website at


Purpose of the Prize

  • to encourage the writing of family history
  • to provide an opportunity for recognition and publication
  • to publish the winner as an example of quality family history writing


The article should:

  • have a family history / genealogy theme
  • be the author’s own original work
  • not have been previously published in any format, or be under consideration or accepted for publication by any other publication
  • be between 1200 and 2400 words (not including title, image captions, endnotes and sources).
  • contain citations of sources


The Prize   

We are very pleased to announce that Ancestry™ is again generously sponsoring the competition with an enhanced first prize of a 12-month subscription to their Worldwide Membership and an Ancestry DNA test kit.



The competition is open to GSV Members and all members of GSV Member Societies.

Members of the Ancestor Editorial Team, the judges, GSV staff and the winner of the previous year’s prize are not eligible to enter.


The winner will be announced at the GSV’s Annual General Meeting in October and the winning article will be published in the December 2019 issue of Ancestor journal.


Not only will your family read your story but it will be published and hence discoverable in our wonderful State and National libraries by future unknown descendants in years to come.



Photo of Adam and Elizabeth Elphinstone from 'Elphinstones: Pioneer Farmers in Northern Tasmania', Elphinstones Committee, Launceston Tas, 1988? courtesy of Helen Pearce.



Scotland during the Enlightenment - Seminar 13 July

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

If you have Scottish ancestors (I have a Campbell) - and even if you haven't - you may have been watching The Rise of the Clans on SBS presented by that long-haired archaeologist and history-warrior, Neil Oliver, who is often seen from a helicopter standing on the edge of a cliff. 


On 13 July the GSV gives you a wonderful opportunity to catch up with what the Scots were doing a few hundred years later. This day-seminar will explore an exciting period of intellectual and scientific accomplishments in Scotland from the mid-18th to mid-19th centuries.




of The Genealogical Society of Victoria, Inc.

Scotland: 1730-1830 - during the Enlightenment

13 July 2019 – 10am to 4.30pm

At the RACV City Club, level 2, 501 Bourke St Melbourne


Alex Tyrrell

Small country, big ideas: The Scottish Enlightenment shows the way

Bruce McLennan

The Highlands during the Enlightenment

Malcolm Horsburgh

The Communications Revolution: from pack tracks to modern roads- Malcolm Horsburgh

Ben Wilkie

Scotland, the Enlightenment, and Australia: Legacies from Macquarie to Menzies


You will hear from great speakers.

Alex Tyrrell was born in Scotland, educated at Edinburgh and McMasters Universities. Prior to retirement he was an Associate Professor of History at Latrobe University. His research interests include aspects of national identity in Victorian Scotland.

Bruce McLennan is the coordinator of the Clan MacLennan worldwide project, focussing on Scottish records as well as New Zealand, Canada, Australia and the USA. He is an author and presenter at international events.

Malcolm Horsburgh has been researching his family history and genealogy for 35 years in both Edinburgh and Australia. He is a long-term member of the Scottish Ancestry Group and a current member of the committee.

Ben Wilkie has an honours degree and PhD from Monash University on the history of Scots in Australia. His interests include stories of the Scottish diaspora. He is an author and past lecturer at Deakin University.


Be quick to book your place.

Cost: $60 GSV members, $90 all other non-members. Scottish Ancestry Group subscribers who are not members of the GSV should apply to the GSV for a reduction to $60.

Bookings essential, and can be made online,, by email by telephone +61 3 9662 4455 (Mon-Fri 9.00 am-4.00 pm)



This week hear about 'Bounty and Government emigrants' at GSV

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

GSV is privileged to have Elizabeth Rushen presenting 'Bounty and government emigrants 1836-1840 including Mr Marshall's migrants'.

Liz Rushen has written a number of books in this area and you can see more about them at her website HERE.

Her talk is on this coming Thursday 18 October 12.00pm - 1.00 pm. Bookings are essential but you can still get a place if you are quick.  Bookings can be made in person at GSV, via the website HERE.  Or you can book by email to or by phone +61 3 9662 4455.

GSV Members $5.00, RHSV/CAV/FHC $15.00 and Non-members $20.00.

There were many emigration schemes and agents operating in the early to mid-nineteenth century and this talk by historian and author Elizabeth Rushen will give a broad overview of emigration in the 1820s and 1830s. Various emigration schemes were available until the formation of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commission in 1840 and John Marshall was the most active entrepreneur under the bounty scheme of assisted migration to Australia.

This is an area of our history with which many of us have links and this is a great opportunity to get a knowledgeable overview.


'Australian Family History' - short course Oct 17, 24 and 31

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

Now that we are emerging from our winter retreats, it is a great time to pick up those challenges we set ourselves this year for our family histories. Even for those who have started, it is always good to have a refresher about what we can find and how to proceed. The GSV has scheduled a short course of three sessions in October which will give you all you need to really get going.

'Australian Family History'  - Wednesday 17, 24 and 31 October, 10.00am - 12.00pm.

This will be presented by John Bugg.

The topics to be covered include:

  • Where do I start? How to gather and store information.
  • Getting here - immigration, convicts, naturalisation and wills.
  • State records - Private lives and public records.
  • National Records - Finding families.

For BOOKING and details about this course go to the GSV website HERE. You can also book  in person at GSV, by email to or by phone +61 3 9662 4455.

The presenter:  John Bugg has a background in Education and is a Fellow of the Australian College of Education. He has been chasing  eight family lines who arrived before 1870 and has published a small family Bugg history, before attending the family reunion in the UK. John enjoys the chase and detective work of family history and finding links to its wider historical context.

John tells us more about these planned sessions:

'Most of us have explored the commercial data sources and probably checked the odd family tree and been subjected to the afternoon tea-party about the family. What this course aims to do is to go beyond that and build up an originaldatabase of our family and to set it in the social context of the time. How do we find Will Smith; especially if this name is Wilfred Smyth, to say nothing of the transcription error of the clerks in a foreign port who may have little knowledge of German or Spanish?

Emphasis will be placed on original documents and where to find them from little used databases that will lead often to further searching and the unlocking of additional and sometimes surprising information. What is the value of the GSV database and how we may best use it. In the last course we discovered, among other matters, why a great-grandmother had a sister six months later from her same father and mother. Often our search is limited by the commercial databases. I am following eight Australian families and only one is on the official documents of immigration in the nineteenth century and that was further complicated by their arrival in Melbourne but their registration in Freemantle. We will aim to find some other sources of data through the sharing of ideas.

Finally the sessions are designed to be fun. By allowing a broad canvas of inputs, and by adding additional information from the group, you will develop a much better understanding of your family and an accurate family tree for all to share.'


Rare Book Week at GSV

Bill Barlow
Expiry Date

We are hosting two free talks at the GSV Research & Education Centre as part of Rare Book Week. This is a good opportunity to visit the GSV Centre and hear two interesting presentations - but you do need to book.

The first on Tuesday 3 July, 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm is: 

Preservation of books, photographs and paper-based items.

Conservator, Debra Parry will provide information on how materials deteriorate and how to handle, store and display such items to preserve them for the future.

Then on Thursday 5 July at 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm, Douglas Heywood will present: 

'Guests of the Unspeakable' : The letters and diary of Warrant Officer 1, William Scott Heywood, POW Thai Burma Railway and Japan 
WO1 William Scott Heywood, 1941. (Photo courtesy of Doug Heywood)


Doug's talk will cover :-
The Prelude: his letters to his girlfriend/wife before his departure to Singapore.
The Journey: his letters while stationed at Malacca prior to the fall of Singapore.
A Prisoner: his diary as a POW in Burma from July 1942 – March 1944
At home: correspondence to his wife from the Defence Force and friends.
These previously unpublished, rare materials mention over 150 personnel names.  
Both these events are FREE as part of Rare Book Week and are open to all. Bookings essential, in person at GSV, email to, by phone +61 3 9662 4455 or register via the website  HERE.